“黑暗的地方”(Dark Places),是一组邀请包括Joshua Decter在内的艺术家们参加制作的展出。它集合了各种各样的,对我们如何能够在都市、郊区以及其他形态的领土上,在感知、政治、心理和意识形态的层面上驾驭操纵自身。 

这一次实验性的向团体装置展靠近的展出。由 servo (与 Casey Reas合作)策划,展出作品包括了一个从天花板架设的、外型如同蜘蛛的、装有四个正面投射器和四个背面投射器、并配有特殊设计的屏幕和可以在展馆黑暗处发光产生画面的光导纤维网络的塑料电枢装置。参观者可以通过微传感的可触摸表面从新建构显示出的内容。 

从2006年一月21日导四月22日(Santa Monica Museum of Art)。 

来源: Fabrica.

3 Responses to “Dark Places——黑暗的地方”

  1. regine Says:

    can you explain me what’s happening here? why are you making copy and paste of my blog? even the tags? and OMG even the name!

  2. aaajiao Says:

    i am so sorry,my friend had email you to talk translating your blog into chinese ,we had translated some but all ,we will do all as soon as possible.

  3. aaajiao Says:

    reg@we-make-money-not-art.com 致 我
    更多选项 19:12 (3小时前)

    - 显示引用文字 -
    > i am so sorry,my friend had email you to talk translating your blog into
    chinese ,we had translated some but all ,we will do all as soon as
    > look this http://www.we-need-money-not-art.com/?p=49 this had been


    sorry if my comment on your blog sounded unfriendly, it’s just that i got
    emails from readers asking me what was this we-need-money website and i
    panicked, i thought it was a clone or something. but i’ve seen that you’re
    giving proper credit, so thanks! i’m happy that more people will know
    about the works of new media artists.

    let me know when you feel your blog is ready and i could write about it on
    wmmna if you’re ok with it,

    kind regards,


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