





“新单位”邀请您参加这个特殊的聚会 -“想像一个空间”,描述和分享你心中的创意社区和联合办公空间。 活动地点是仍在装修的“新单位”办公室。*

Christine Lu, China Business Network和Cilantro Media的创始人
李大维, 编程员,业余摄影师和中国观察员。
Anna Greenspan, 学者,作家
Daan Roggeveen, 建筑师,摄影师
Rosalie Greven, 国际人力资源顾问
黄佳代, 英国总领事馆文化教育处,艺术经理
Ned Rossiter, 诺丁汉大学宁波分校教授
Lucinda Holmes, 艺术家
Bas Overtoom, 管理培训顾问

特邀主持人:Pia Johanson


“新单位”是一个创意联合办公空间及社区。 在“新单位” 联合办公空间,我们推崇开放共享和交流合作的价值观。“新单位”不仅满足了人们对日常办公室空间在保证效率性和功能性上的要求,同时还融合了大家对创意空间的社交性、活力、创意和趣味性的期待;创意人群在“新单位”可以找到属于自己的一个便捷的工作空间。在这里,与他人所分享的不仅仅是办公空间和办公桌,“新单位”是一个使人们相聚相识甚至共事的集合地,在这里有来自本地和世界各地的自由职业者、创业者,技术开发人员,文字工作者,设计师,建筑师,艺术家、学者和学生。“新单位”为各种职业和知识文化背景的人们提供更有效率、更具灵感和更有意思的工作和学习环境。另外,除了提供工作、合作的物理空间,“新单位”也是实现线上线下沟通与社交的工具和活动平台。

1. 跨界交流与合作:让来自不同知识领域的创意人士相遇相知是件好事。
2. 开放:我们看重开放与共享。我们相信知识与经验共享会让所有人受益。
3. 社区: 社交网络给给我们的工作和生活带来益处。
4. 地方性:扎根于上海,鼓励和扶持小型创业者,为国外来沪的创意工作者尽快融入当地网络、为当地创意经济繁荣做出贡献。
5. 可持续性:资源共享能够节省能源提高效率,是一种绿色的工作方式。
6. 大众性:价格与管理应平易近人,无等级观念。


最近,两名Bloggerinsights公司的创始人Lucas Englehardt 和Markus Fuhrmann. 也加入了“新单位”团队。

关于特邀主持人Pia Johanson:Pia Johanson是一名艺术家,艺术推广者和社区组织者。她相信生命即为艺术。她的教育背景主要是社区发展和文化持续性发展,同时兼顾策展实践和视觉及个别重要领域研究。她曾作为一名独立策展人工作和生活于美国丹佛市,主持过当代艺术家社区组织“The Assembly”的日常工作。“The Assembly”努力通过各种形式建立和促进艺术家与当地社区之间的对话、彼此影响与合作,从而带动整个区域的创造力、活力与经济发展。

douban event

3S ReUnion (8th) – “Just imagine”

Imagine a space that is welcoming, surprising and inspiring

Imagine an office where creativity is an everyday subject and everyone can be creative

Imagine a place to be, to think, talk, read, look, and rest

Imagine a community for everyone and everything

Imagine a social space, a creative space where creative people is allowed to work and where they are constantly challenged

Xindanwei invites you to join in the imagination and visioning process of building a creative community and co-working space in Shanghai. First gathering “Just Imagine” will be held at 14:30-16:30 on June 13, 2009 in a Xindanwei space that is still under construction. *

Confirmed Visioners:
Isaac Mao, venture capitalist, social entrepreneur
Christine Lu, founder of The China Business Network and Cilantro Media
David Li, social Media Programmer, hobbyist Photographer and China observer.
Anna Greenspan, scholar and writer
Daan Roggeveen, architect and photographer
Rosalie Greven, entrepreneur
Lucinda Holmes, Artist
Bas Overtoom, management training consultant
Ophelia Huang, Arts Manager, British Council Shanghai
Ned Rossiter, lecturer, University Rottingham Ningbo Campus
Song Bo, Fashion photographer, director of IIInShanghai Hub

Address: 4C, Building Four, IIInShanghai Hub, Dingxi Road 727,Changning District, Shanghai
Guest Moderator: Pia Johanson.
Organized by:
Liu Yan, Aaajiao and Chen Xu of 3S Media Center

*We have very limited chairs in the space at this moment, so please bring your own sitting materials such as shoppingbag or a small cushion just in case.

What is Xindanwei?

The idea of Xindanwei ( literally means “ New Work Unit”) is to take both the best elements of a workspace (productive, functional) and the best elements of a creative hub (social, energetic, creative), and combine them together to give people the chance to have their own, affordable workspace. Xindanwei is built on the coworking philosophy and value, and is run in a style of ‘the club of creative workers’. Xindanwei isn’t just about sharing office space and desks. Xindanwei is a community of freelance professionals, start-up entrepreneurs, tech workers, writers, designers, architects, artists, students and others from overseas and China, whoever thinks working with others cool people are more productive, more inspiring and a lot more FUN! Xindanwei will provide communication tools, a platform for social and educational events, as well as a physical space to work,connect and collaborate.

What does Xindanwei believe in?

1. Collaboration – Meeting a diverse group of people with a wide range of knowledge is good.
2. Openness – Transparency and openness are important. We share ideas so all may benefit.
3. Community – Creating good social connections for business and personal life benefits us all.
4. Localism – Working among local people to get integrated with local community and help to break the cultural barriers.
5. Sustainability – Sharing resources is good for our local community and the planet.
6. Accessibility – Coworking spaces need to be affordable for a diverse group of people.

Who are behind Xindanwei?

A group of idealists and free thinkers.

The initial founders are Liu Yan, Aaajiao and Chen Xu, the founders of 3S Media Center and organizers of 3S ReUnion. Liu Yan is an independent consultant and advocate in arts management, creative industry and cultural exchange between China and Europe. Aaajiao is a new media artist who also hosts the new media web portal: www.we-need-money-not-art.com. Chen Xu is a UK-returned creative industry consultant, the country manager of British economist John Howkins in China.

Recently the two founders of BloggerInsights have joined the team. They are Lucas Englehardt and Markus Fuhrmann.

About the guest moderator: Pia Johanson
Pia Johanson is an artist, arts advocate, and community organizer. She believes that life is art. Her educational background is predominantly in Community Development and Cultural Sustainability with a breadth in Curatorial Practice and Visual and Critical Studies. As an independent curator working in Denver, Colorado, she co-directed the Assembly, an arts complex and creative collective supporting emerging contemporary artists. The Assembly addressed the misconception of artists as insular creators by providing all of their represented artists studio space contiguous to the exhibition spaces, encouraging collaboration, and engaging the greater community in a challenging dialogue about the role of artist originated creative culture in sustainability, urban vibrancy and gentrification.

4 Responses to “三术沙龙(第八期)想像一个空间 3S ReUnion (8th) – “Just imagine””

  1. Hippy Says:


  2. 刘妍 Says:



  3. 刘妍 Says:



  4. Bullish China » TEDtoChina- Shanghai Salon:”the Power of Change” Says:

    [...] 新单位 联合创始人,首席执行官。荷兰乌特勒支艺术学院艺术管理硕士,英国市场营销学会特许营销师。曾创立荷兰大同创意产业平台,活跃于中国与欧洲之间的文化交流与创意产业链接领域,先后担任过荷兰乌特勒支市政府文化厅文化教育项目资深顾问,荷兰V2的DEAF电子艺术双年展和欧洲最大创意产业盛会“野餐会”特邀顾问与策展人,中国中央美术学院和荷兰乌特勒支艺术学院等大学的客座教授和研究员。自2008年四月起联合组建三术沙龙,以不同背景和专业创意人员和学生为对象的开展跨界讨论活动,为的是能够在未来建立一个跨艺术、设计、学术以及新媒体技术领域的非营利型独立研究开发机构,结合城市中艺术,教育,社会,文化,经济和政治的发展来进行相关新媒体技术的研发与实验。 [...]

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