
本周,我将与Nelly Ben Hayoun一起探讨宇宙科学技术,外星人和音乐。这位设计师在加州花了一整个夏天指挥了International Space Orchestra(国际空间管弦乐队)。这场歌剧相当壮观。由来自美国航天局、奇点大学、国际空间大学以及SETI研究所的太空科学家们演奏。由 Damon Albarn, Bobby Womack, Maywa Denki 和 Arthur Jeffes 编曲, Bruce Sterling 和 Jasmina Tesanovic 作词。最后,由格莱美奖获得者Evan Price担当音乐指挥。

0Nelly Ben Hayoun in NASA Ames Research center-photo Neil berrett.jpg
Nelly Ben Hayoun at the NASA Ames Research Center. Photo Neil Berrett

0Filming in front of the world largest windtunnel in NASA Ames reseacrh center- 6t september _photo neil berrett.jpg
Filming the ISO on 6th September in front of largest wind tunnel in the world at the NASA Ames. Photo by Neil Berrett

0Filming the ISO 6th september in front of largest windtunel in the world at NASA Ames Photo by Neil berrett 3.jpg
Filming the ISO on 6th September in front of largest wind tunnel in the world at the NASA Ames. Photo by Neil Berrett

0Frank Caradonna - ISO pianist and aeronautical engineer at NASA ames.jpg
Frank Caradonna – ISO pianist and aeronautical engineer at NASA Ames Research Center

0Donald's tie _ NASA Ames research Center_Photo neil berrett.jpg
Tie at the NASA Ames Research Center. Photo Neil Berrett

国际空间管弦乐团的下一站是 Space Odyssey 2.0,将于2013年在哈塞儿 Z33 当代艺术中心做开幕展。

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