Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
1800年,Alessandro Volta制作了第一个化学电池。’voltaic pile(伏打电锥)’表明在两种不同金属间夹入潮湿多孔的材料能够产生电流。科学家测试了几种金属后发现,锌和银的效果最好。
Volta的实验在几周前埃因霍温的 Age of Wonder (奇迹时代艺术节)上re-enacted (被重现)为一个巨大体量。又或者说,我应当这样写,Michiel Pijpe和Artscience Interfaculty (艺术科学心智)重现了1995年媒体艺术先锋Dick Raaijmakers对伏打电锥发现的重现。 Raaijmakers(或 Raaymakers)被视为荷兰电子音乐的创始人之一。50年代,他通过其对Natlab(飞利浦研究实验室)的研究与埃因霍温紧密连接。
Dick Raaymakers at the Philips NatLab (image via V2_)
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten
Michiel Pijpe and the Artscience Interfaculty, Volta, Dick Raaijmakers (’95) at the Age of Wonder Festival. Photo by Sas Schilten